links to other organizations
Bob Landis Wildlife Films
Bob Landis is an incredible wildlife filmmaker and his documentaries are unparalleled. His amazing documentaries on wolves include "She Wolf", "The Rise of Black Wolf", and "In the Valley of the Wolves". He is currently working on projects that focus on wolves, coyotes, lynx and otters.
California Wolf Center
California Wolf Center is an 501(c)(3) non-profit dedicated to increasing public awareness and understanding of the importance of wolves and all wildlife. In addition to participating in conservation programs, California Wolf Center offers different educational programs about the history, biology, behavior, and ecology of wolves. They are also directly involved in research of both captive and free-ranging wolves.
The Center for Biological Diversity
The Center for Biological Diversity is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit with one very clear mission "SAVING LIFE ON EARTH". They are very active in conservation efforts for many species through political action, education, public engagement. They were central to the organizing, actions, and success of "The Call of the Wild: A Campaign to Save America". They are also leading the charge of opposition to Trumps dismantling of The Endangered Species Act (take action now to help them!).
Defenders of Wildlife
Defenders of Wildlife is a conservation organization that has worked relentlessly on wolf conservation in America. They focus on revising policies and spreading awareness of innovative and effective solutions for wolf-human conflict.
Humane Society
The Humane Society of the U.S. is a large and extremely impactful animal protection organization. "We fight the big fights, working to end all forms of animal cruelty and achieve the vision behind our name: A humane society." They have also been active in wolf conservation efforts. Established in 1954, The HSUS seeks a humane and sustainable world for all animals—a world that will also benefit people.
The International Wolf Center is another education based organization focused on wolf conservation. Their website has a wealth of information about wolves.
IUCN (International Union for Conservation of Nature)
"The IUCN is a membership Union composed of both government and civil society organizations. It harnesses the experience, resources and reach of its more than 1,300 Member organizations and the input of more than 15,000 experts. This diversity and vast expertise makes IUCN the global authority on the status of the natural world and the measures needed to safeguard it."
Keep Michigan Wolves Protected
"Keep Michigan Wolves Protected is a coalition of conservation groups, animal welfare organizations, Native American tribes, wildlife scientists, faith groups, veterinarians, hunters, farmers, and concerned Michigan citizens. Our goal is to restore protections to Michigan’s small wolf population and restore the rights of voters to have a meaningful say on important wildlife issues."
Lobos of the Southwest
Lobos of the Southwest "is a collaborative effort of concerned citizens and local, regional, and national conservation, scientific and sportsmen’s organizations using the Internet to help save the endangered Mexican gray wolf."
Maine Wolf Coalition
"The Maine Wolf Coalition was founded in 1994 to support wolf recovery in Maine through research, education and protection."
Northeast Wolf Coalition
The return of wolves to the Northeast will reflect a more healthy and resilient ecosystem. The Northeast Wolf Coalition is a working group of partner organizations, scientific mentors and advisers who collaborate on the critical issues that relate to wolf recovery in the Northeast.
Oregon Wild
Oregon Wild aims to "protect and restore Oregon’s wildlands, wildlife and waters as an enduring legacy for all Oregonians". They are involved in protecting wolf recovery in Oregon.
Pacific Wild
Pacific Wild is a non-profit conservation organization focused on protecting one of the greatest cradles of biodiversity on the Earth, the Great Bear Rainforest. This ecosystem in British Columbia is home to "last wild wolves", which Pacific Wild is active in advocacy and protection efforts.
Pacific Wolf Coalition
The Pacific Wolf Coalition is a group of different organizations and individuals dedicated to protecting wolves in the Pacific West.
"The Red Wolf Coalition advocates for the long-term survival of red wolf populations by teaching about the red wolf and by fostering public involvement in red wolf conservation."
Rick Lamplugh's Blog
Rick Lamplugh is an author and wildlife advocate, who keeps a wonderful blog focused on issues in wolf and wildlife conservation. His incredible skills as a writer make his blogs delightful to read an his books are even more fantastic. We recommend them all - "In the Temple of Wolves: A Winter’s Immersion in Wild Yellowstone" is a great one to start with.
Rocky Mountain Wolf Project
"The Rocky Mountain Wolf Project aims to improve public understanding of gray wolf behavior, ecology, and options for re-establishing the species in Colorado."
Trap Free Montana is a 501(c)3 non-profit with a mission to "promote education, the best available science, and non-lethal alternatives to trapping that foster responsible stewardship and respectful coexistence with wildlife." They are an excellent resource for information about the truths of trapping and opportunities to become proactive in the fight against trapping.
Trap Free New Mexico "is a coalition of conservation and animal welfare groups who oppose the cruel, damaging, and dangerous practice of trapping in New Mexico. The mission of TrapFree New Mexico is to enact a legislative ban on traps, snares and poisons on public lands to protect public safety and native wildlife."
Wolf Conservation Center
The Wolf Conservation Center is a 501(c)3 non-profit organization that promotes wolf conservation by teaching "people about wolves, their relationship to the environment and the human role in protecting their future." This is an amazing center offers different educational programs, wolf viewings, and also serves as a major wolf recovery center for the Mexican Gray Wolf and the Red Wolf.
Wolves Of the rockies
Wolves of the Rockies is a 501(c)3 non-profit that aims to "protect and defend wolves of the Rocky Mountains through advocating and education". This fantastic organization contributed the wolf trap we have in our educational displays at Seacrest Wolf Preserve.
Wolves and Moose of Isle Royale
"Isle Royale is a remote wilderness island, isolated by the frigid waters of Lake Superior, and home to populations of wolves and moose." The interaction between wolves and moose that occurs here has been continuously and intensely studied since 1958, making it the longest continuous study of any predator-prey system in the world. "The purposes of this project are to better understand the ecology of predation and what that knowledge can teach us about our relationship with nature."
Yellowstone Wolf Project
In the mid-1990's, 31 wolves were reintroduced to Yellowstone National Park. Ever since then, wolf research (lead by Doug Smith) and monitoring has been a significant project occurring in Yellowstone. National Park Service reports information on wolves in the park.